Delegated Cooperation Nicaragua
In December 2019, AECID and the European Union (EU) signed a new Contribution Agreement LA/2019/411-582 to finance the project “Improvement of the drinking water service in the Altamira – Managua sector with a focus on sustainability and equity”, for an amount of €10 million, to be implemented by the Nicaraguan public water and sewerage company, ENACAL, over a period of 42 months. This project will help 43,224 homes to have access to drinking water 24 hours a day, with a 15.15% reduction in the amount of water not billed, increasing collection to 90% by 2023, which will enable the service to be sustainable.
By the end of the project, it is expected that 30,257 families will have made changes in hygiene and health behaviour and in the rational use of water.
During 2020, the policy and operational instruments of the programme were defined and approved, and implementation will start in 2021.